
How Are Opinions Formed? Good & Bad Opinions

Opinions, everybody has them, and some are better than others. In this article I dig into how those opinions are formed, and why so many opinions are wrong.

How opinions are formed?

Objective Truth, Facts & Opinions

The facts and opinion hierarchy is very important to the formation of opinion. Are the facts at the bottom, or the opinion? Ideally, objective truth, and the facts should be at the foundation, and the opinion is formed from the facts.

Even if the hierarchy is in the correct order, there can still be problems with the supposed facts. Are they facts, or just a perspective stemming from interpretation? Opinions need to be flexible enough so that when new facts or evidence comes to light, opinions can change.

How People are Manipulated?

The media and news outlets can manipulate without even lying. All they have to do is give one side of the story, and leave out alternative views and opinions. If all the media and news outlets are pushing the same narrative, then many people believe in what they are hearing. It will become their opinion, and because opinions are often tied into our egos, to question the belief is to attack the person.

Resistance & Intolerance to Opposing Views

Some people will be extremely intolerant and resistant, sometimes even react aggressively and outright in a hostile manner to opposing views.

Why is this? Ego is likely one reason; they can’t stand the idea that they could be wrong. They may also believe in their views so strongly, so passionately, that it upsets them to have their views challenged.

Toxic Opinions & Behaviour

Some people will form opinions really quickly, based off very minimal information, or ideas that are floating around. Some of these people attempt to shut others down that have differing views by labelling them with damaging names. This is particularly toxic behaviour, stemming from great ignorance, ego, and a motivation to protect their delusions and maintain their fragile self-image.

These people are usually very intellectually arrogant. They don’t understand or fail to see the complexity and depth of the situation. It’s a great example of the Dunning Kruger Effect. They are also often narcissists that adopt shallow, politically correct views in order to feel good about themselves, or to look good to others.

An easy way to dismantle their views is to ask them to explain their opinions. Get them to clearly define things, and then to ask for examples in order to justify their accusations. They won’t be able to do it. Rather than admitting that they might be wrong, they will probably resort to cheap tactics to distort, twist, distract, or simply start name-calling and labelling.

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