Why some people isolate or distance themselves from others?

Why do some people isolate and distance themselves from others? This post looks into some of the reasons why some people do this. There are many different reasons why some people distance and isolate themselves. Some of these reasons are simpler and more well known, and some reasons are lesser known. I will go into…


Why are most people’s views on complex and big picture issues wrong?

Why do people hold certain views or opinions on someone or some event? Where do these views come from and what motivations do they have for maintaining them? Most people seem to live in what could be called a bubble. This bubble or area includes all the people that a person interacts with in their…


How your views become twisted and distorted and are used against you?

How some people can twist and distort things that you say to mean something different from what you actually meant? This results in effectively putting words into someone else’s mouth. This is a very common thing that happens. Whenever there is a debate on many current important issues, such as climate change, immigration, diversity, wars…

Asperger’s Syndrome vs Introversion

What are the symptoms of Asperger’s syndrome, and how to know if you have Asperger’s, or whether you are simply highly introverted? Asperger’s syndrome is considered to be a mild form of autism. It’s sometimes described as high functioning autism because they don’t have the same cognitive limitations as those with full-blown autism have. Asperger’s…


How to Know if Someone is a Good or Bad Person – Psychology & Motivations

How to know if someone is truly a good moral person, or if they have other more selfish, darker, perhaps even evil motivations? We all like to make judgments about people, but many of these judgements will often be wrong. There are many reasons for these incorrect judgements, but much of the problem will stem…


Best Reasons for Brexit and the Decentralisation of Power

What are the best reasons for the decentralisation of power, and generally, why is it a good thing? One example is the United Kingdom leaving the EU (European Union), also known as Brexit. Centralisation vs Decentralisation of Power There is a force in the world which is gravitating to the centralization of power. The European…


Knowing When You Don’t Belong & When to Leave

How do you know when you don’t belong? Including situations, environments and groups of people. This might be obvious to some people. However, for others, for various different reasons, it’s a less straight forward issue. Signals That You Don’t Belong Low Energy If you’re feeling low on energy, it could be due to the situation…

The Psychology of Wars & Genocides – Why They Happen?

What are some of the psychological reasons for why and how wars started? I’m looking into psychological motivations and the thinking distortions and biases that contribute to wars and genocides. Psychological reasons for why wars start? Many people believe that religion is a major cause of wars. However, I believe the issue is deeper than…