
What is Prejudice? How to Overcome & Control it

What’s the definition of prejudice and tips to overcome and keep it under control. Is it normal to have prejudice feelings and thoughts and does it make us bad people for having them? Prejudice Definition It’s to have a negative opinion that is not based on facts, past experiences and/or rational thinking. It’s a preconceived…


How to Stop being Controlling & Possessive

Are you jealous, possessive or controlling of your partner? if you are, it could be damaging your current and future relationships. Being controlling doesn’t just negatively affect your partner, you are also sabotaging your own success and happiness. If you want to improve on your overly possessive tendencies, then you need to understand why you…

Are other people defining who you’re and yourself worth?

Are you letting other people define who you are? if so, you may be limiting your life in many ways by giving other people control over your self-worth and self-esteem. Are others defining you? Most people love to judge and label/define others as a particular type of person. Constantly being labelled in a certain way…

What is Self-Awareness & How to Develop it

Self-awareness is about understanding certain things about yourself, such as your personality, characteristics, and how you are being perceived by others. If you are self-aware, you are aware of your own personality traits, how well you control your emotions (emotional intelligence), your strengths and weaknesses, and generally being able to look at yourself objectively. Many…