What is Social Psychology?

Tragedy is to lose yourself quote.

Social psychology is the study of how society and other people influence us and our personalities. Plus, how others can affect what we do, and generally how we live our lives.

Social psychology is the study of our thoughts, emotions and general behaviour. It largely covers how we humans are influenced or manipulated. Social influences can lead to prejudices, it can influence our perceptions of the world and the people in it. It can also influence the decisions that we make, and generally what type of person we become.

The History of Social Psychology

During the late eightieth century and early ninetieth century Hegal was realizing the connection between society and peoples thoughts and beliefs.

Mid ninetieth century, Lazarus & Steinthal were writing about a human collective mind that was influenced by society and culture.

The first book about social psychology written in English was published in 1908 by McDougall.

Research and study of social psychology increased during the mid twentieth century after world war II. During the war there was much evidence that showed the huge affect that social influence could have on a large scale. Horrific atrocities have occurred and been accepted by people conforming to social or societal influences.

Experiments in Social Psychology

Various studies and experiments were conducted in the 1930s. These studies included how people reacted to different methods of leadership, noting which methods were the most influential and successful.

Other studies focused more on the influence of societies and rules. How strongly did people follow societal norms.

Social Psychology Misconceptions

Social psychology is often mistaken for sociology or personality psychology.

Personality psychology looks more at individual personality traits, as suppose to social psychology which is more aimed at social and societal influences on the individual or group, and how it affects behaviour.

Sociology looks at a wider view of social influence. It focuses more on the cultural influences on people, such as religious beliefs. They are similar, however, they do focus on different areas and types of influence.

Recommend Reading

  • Introduction to social psychology by Miles Hewstone, Wolfgang Strobe and Klaus Jonas.
  • Social Psychology by David Myers.

Personal Comments

Social psychology is a very interesting subject which affects us all, even if we are not consciously aware of it. The truth is it has a massive influence on the majority. It helps people to be social by giving them common beliefs and behaviours.

A negative side to social influence is it can be very damaging depending on what is considered normal. Plus, it can lead to a lack of individuality and free thinking.

So how much are you being influenced by others and society?

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