
How Civilizations Fall?

How and why civilizations fall, what are the warning signs, and is this currently happening to the western world?

How civilizations fall.

How Civilizations Fall?

Political/Social Instability & Corruption

Political corruption leads to political and social instability. When there is no longer a functioning democracy due to corruption, a society is in big trouble. We are seeing this social instability in the west. Society is fractured and feels very unstable, the divisions and tensions are the highest that they have been in decades.

Civilizations fall. Bill Whittle.

Economic decline is also the result of corruption and inefficient governments. Economic decline also contributes to social instability and divisions.

Radical ideologies can contribute to the fracturing of a society. If they gain momentum, these ideologies can erode the very fabric of a culture, leading to destabilization. As an example, in the west, there is even some doubt about basic biology, such as biological sex.

These ideologies are also demonizing the very culture, while allowing other cultures to grow, therefore threatening and eroding the culture of the indigenous population.

When a culture is demonized, people are also less likely to fight for it, and try and defend it. Some may even actively try to destroy it. In the west, people, including children, are being taught the negative aspects of their history, and none or very little of the good. People are being told they should feel shame and guilt for their past. It’s an attack from within.     

Declining Population

There is a strange connection between more prosperous societies and lower birth rates. One warning of a potential fall of a civilization is when birth rates fall below the population replacement level.

Death of Religion

The death of religion in a society is also connected to a declining population. The decline of religion also correlates with the breakdown of the family, which correlates with a rise in young men getting involved in violent crime and general criminality. This leads to societies becoming more unstable.

Religion is also responsible for giving some people a sense of meaning and morality. A loss of Christianity in the west is correlated with more crime and mental health issues linked to a lack of meaning, and other behaviours associated with nihilism. This is an issue that Nietzsche was very concerned about.  

Wars, Epidemics/Pandemics & Other Disasters

A great civilization fall. Ariel Durant

Wars and epidemics or pandemics can obviously lead to a great loss of life, leading to economic and social issues. They will also contribute to the above-mentioned issue of population decline.

Is Western Civilization Falling?

There are many signs that suggest that it is. Democracy is under attack via the demonization of political opponents, the death of Christianity, population decline and the demonization of western culture. However, it has not fallen yet, and there are those fighting to save it.

Many people don’t even realise that their civilization is falling. As noted by James Cook, “The decline and fall of a civilization is barely noticed by most of its citizens”.

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