Red Pill or Blue Pill in Political Context
This is a term taken from the Matrix, when Neo was offered a choice of taking the red pill or the blue pill. However, this term has been used by the more politically conservative types to suggest an awakening in terms of what is going on in the political world.
If someone wants to continue believing in a certain reality, to believe what they have been told, then take the blue pill. However, if you want to know the truth and see past the narrative pushed by the mainstream politicians and media, then you take the red pill.
Realisations & Examples of Untruths
The left wing of the political spectrum has pushed many untruths on people. Such as, the left-wing political parties are the beacons of morality, truth, and democracy.
Seeing that big government, big tech, and mainstream media have been in alignment and are working together for their own gain. With the exception of X/Twitter after Elon Musk purchased it.
Realizing the absolute attack on democracy by those demonizing perfectly reasonable political views, such as slightly conservative or right-leaning values. Moderate conservative views being labelled as far right.
Open borders are progressive, good and tolerant, and closed borders are backwards and bigoted. Understanding that open borders actually hurts the economy, reduces GDP per capita (individual wealth) and overall reduces the quality of life for the majority of the working class. It’s only the big business owners that benefit from a massive amount of cheap unskilled labour.
Realising that governments use situations such as Covid and climate change to generate fear in order to raise taxes, and to gain power.
Becoming aware that the political left has politicized and exaggerated issues like racism, which has led to an increase in divisions and frictions. Then they claim to have the solution or antidote, such as DEI or critical race theory, which worsens the situation even more by simply discriminating against a majority group rather than a minority.
Waking up to the fact that conservative and right-leaning political parties and politicians such as Nigel Farage and Donald Trump are not right-wing extremists.
Generally, people realising that something has gone very wrong with the political left, and that they are not on the side of the working class.
More are seeing the absolute irrationality of far left-wing ideologies that have led to biological men competing in women’s sports.
Coming to the realisation that the political left’s weak stance on crime has led, not surprisingly, to an increase in criminal activity.
Red Pill or Blue Pill?
If you are aware of these and understand them to be true, then congratulations, you have taken the red pill. You have now awoken from the matrix, and you are thinking independently, at least to some degree.
Fortunately, there are more and more people taking the red pill, therefore awakening to the truth of what is going on. They are starting to see the patterns and the lies, and the obvious attempts to undermine democracy.
If you think all of this is nonsense, then you have swallowed the blue pill and all the delusions that go with it.